Though people may differ on many things, each person has values that are important to them. And there are investors who wish their portfolios could mirror these values, but don’t know if that is prudent, or even possible.
For example, some Christians are uncomfortable owning companies in their portfolio whose products or practices are contrary to the values of their faith.
And some view issues such as the environment, weapons, human rights, labor rights, or animal welfare as extremely important and desire to have their investments mirror their convictions.
Myers Capital Management understands and offers investment options for people who want their values reflected in their portfolio. We have access to Portfolio Strategists that can take into account your convictions and screen companies regarding issues such as…
- Abortion Providers
- Adult Entertainment
- Alcohol
- Animal Welfare
- Board Diversity
- Contraceptives
- Environment
- Firearms/Weapons/Defense
- Gambling
- Human Rights
- Labor Rights
- Lending Practices
- Nuclear Power
- Stem Cell
- Tobacco